Mattress Recycling Event Helps Divert Waste and Preserve Resources

Last weekend, Sustainable Westport joined forces with Earthplace and Boy Scout Group 36 to bring a Free Mattress/Box Spring Recycling Event to Westport. In total, we saved 78 mattresses and box springs from ending up in landfills or incinerators. Outstanding! 

Thanks to our partnership with Bye Bye Mattress, at least 75% of the materials collected will be recycled into new products. Wood is recycled and used as a fuel source or shredded to produce landscaping mulch. Foam, fiber, and other soft commodities are compressed and turned

into carpet underlayment or animal bed padding. Metal and box springs are extracted and sent to recyclers to make new appliances and building materials. This achievement demonstrates our community’s commitment to reducing waste and preserving our natural resources.

We extend a heartfelt thank you to Boy Scout Troop 36, who helped promote this opportunity to reduce waste, worked diligently to pick up mattresses from community members, and loaded the trucks to be sent off for recycling!

If you missed the recycling event, don’t worry! You can still recycle your mattress or box spring at any time. Simply give Park City Green a call ahead of time to arrange drop-off:

Park City Green
459 Iranistan Ave
Bridgeport, CT 06604
Phone: 203-212-3858