Sustainable Westport Superstar: Harbor Watch’s Fishing Line Recycling Program

Sustainable Westport is thrilled to recognize Harbor Watch’s Fishing Line Recycling Program as our latest Sustainable Superstar! We love this program because of its simplicity and effectiveness in safeguarding our local ecosystems.
Abandoned fishing line not only impedes our ability to enjoy the aesthetics of our local waterways but also poses serious threats to habitats and wildlife. Fishing line is not biodegradable, and when left in the environment, it could persist for hundreds of years. Harbor Watch’s initiative, which was launched in 2023, aims to mitigate these environmental risks.
Now in its first full fishing season, Harbor Watch’s Fishing Line Recycling program has expanded across Fairfield County, with 20 recycling bins now located in Norwalk, Westport, and Wilton (check out specific locations on their interactive map). By partnering with neighboring communities to strategically install these recycling receptacles near popular fishing spots, Harbor Watch encourages local anglers to properly dispose of fishing lines in a convenient receptacle. Throughout the year, the Harbor Watch team diligently collects, cleans, and transports the monofilament fishing line to a recycling facility, where it is transformed into new products like tackle boxes, spools, and toys.
Thanks to the responsible actions of local anglers, the program has recycled over 3 miles of fishing line, helping to protect the health and beauty of the region’s waterways.
Nikki Spiller, Director of Harbor Watch, shared, “While out in the field, my team would always observe trash in the environment. We saw it all; bottles, wrappers, fishing line, tires, and straws. This fishing line recycling program was a low-effort, big-impact way to get our feet wet and learn about collecting data on trash. We are thrilled that the community has been receptive to the bins and using them to make an impact in protecting our waters. We hope to expand our reach to remove other types of marine debris and collect data to help resource managers stop the pollution at its source.”
As a Sustainable Westport Superstar, Harbor Watch encourages outdoor enthusiasts to utilize the recycling program and invites the community to suggest new locations for additional receptacles. To suggest a new location, contact
Fishing Line Program Sponsors:
- Town of Wilton
- Town of Westport
- Town of Norwalk
- The Maritime Aquarium
- Norwalk Cove
- East Norwalk Boating and Yacht Club