Sustainable Westport Envisions a More Sustainable Future at Saugatuck Church

Saugatuck Church Reverend Alison Patton invited Sustainable Westport Co-Directors Gately Ross and Johanna Martell to their seasonal series entitled “Picture This,” in which Westport-area community leaders share insights on a variety to topics during Sunday service.

Rev. Patton facilitated a conversation based on the prompt “Picture This: A world in which our work towards a more sustainable Westport had all its intended impact.” Gately and Jo helped parishioners envision the future of Westport as a net zero community through the implementation of sustainable practices, answered questions, and joined the parish for a social hour where they shared information about recycling and Westport’s food scrap collection program. 

Special shout out to Saugatuck Church for offering a zero-waste social hour after each service!