Heat Pumps 101 Webinar: 3/5/2025

Sustainable Westport invites you to learn all about air- and ground-source heat pumps by joining our experts for an informational webinar. You’ll gain an understanding of the benefits and considerations of heat pump technology, how it could be applied in your home, as well as available incentives. 

Heat Pumps 101 Webinar
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Zoom link to follow

Matt Corona will be joining us from the Energize CT Heat Pump Support Team. Matt is an energy efficiency professional focused on building decarbonization. Through his experience managing educational programs on heat pumps, weatherization, and other decarbonization measures, Matt is proud to have supported thousands of homeowners, renters, and building managers.

Brian Gaulzetti is the Principal Energy Consultant for Dandelion Energy, where he leads the direct consumer division for geothermal heat pump installations across New England. Brian has been instrumental in helping homeowners transition to renewable geothermal energy. He recently presented at the 2024 Yale Clean Energy Conference on the topic “Enhancing Geothermal.” 

Register for this free event to receive the link to attend!